Meet the team

Meet the team

Coach Erick Roe - Founder/CEO

I graduated from West Platte High School in 2008 and was fortunate to play college basketball and football at Central Methodist University. My wife Angela and I adopted our daughter Dalilah and son Franklin to grow our small family. I have a passion for helping and developing our next generation of youth basketball players. The best part about ERA is it is truly an extended family. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my dogs and golfing. 

Scott Culver

I grew up in Lathrop, Missouri where I played football and basketball. After graduating, I attended Missouri Western State University where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. I was hired by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department. I spent the next 30 years working for the sheriff’s department. The last four years from 2017 to 2020 I coached the Saugus high school freshmen girls’ basketball team. My first year I was the assistant coach then was asked to be the head coach. In 3 years of coaching, my teams went undefeated in conference with an overall record of 62-11. I am currently the 7th grade girls’ basketball coach at East Buchanan Jr. high school.

What I enjoy most about coaching is taking a player who has never played before and teaching them to love the game. I like to start off with teaching the player fundamentals such as dribbling, passing and proper shooting form. It gives me great satisfaction when you can watch a player develop and begin to understand how to use those skills. I enjoy coaching at Erick Roe Academy, (ERA) because it allows me to work with players who want to improve their skills, they listen to what the coaches have to say and work to make themselves better. Both coaches and players are dedicated to improving and improving the ERA program. In my free time I enjoy fishing, golfing and of course coaching basketball.

John Roe

My name is John Roe, I’d like to think I’m a lifelong learner at all sports but basketball in particular. I’ve always enjoyed playing football, basketball, running and biking. My wife Dana and I have raised three sons, Erick 34, Alex 31 and Adam 28. My coaching experience has been coaching them in little league basketball, soccer and football. Once they started competitive sports I trusted coaches with experience and character to help them develop into the successful men they are today. I’ve enjoyed working with Erick and the rest of the coaching staff this past year.  Seeing athletes with the same drive and motivation my boys had growing up is exciting and I’m grateful to be a part of this amazing team.

Hannah Smith

  • Started coaching basketball in 2012

  • Have coached softball and provided hurdle lessons to many athletes

  • I started coaching basketball when my son began to play at 4 years old. My love for the sport has only grown while watching him grow at the same time. He now plays Varsity basketball for Mid Buchanan and has played with ERA for several years. I now get to coach my daughter, Aubriegh, who also plays for ERA. I love how fast-paced the game is and watching athletes come in to their own on the court. Watching young athletes when starting off; barely being able to hit the rim while shooting or barely being able to dribble the ball, growing and learning how to control the ball and shoot three pointers is so rewarding as a Coach.

  • Favorite hobbies: attending concerts, traveling, watching both of my children play sports, family time

  • Best part of ERA: the atmosphere! The parents and coaches are great and are always very respectful. The athletes, younger and older, are growing a love for a sport that I am so passionate about. The hard work that every athlete puts into every lesson or practice is outstanding. All athletes attend ERA for one reason… to become a better basketball player. That speaks for itself.

Mason Montez

  • Still in my first year of coaching.

  •  I like coaching basketball because I love the sport and when everything comes together for a team it is exciting to watch. 

  • Favorite hobbies are video games and watching sports. 

  • Best part about ERA is how quickly it’s grown.

Coach Cameron (Cam) Farber

  • Graduated from Park Hill South High School in 2022

  • Holds record for most 3-pointers made in a game at Park Hill South (2022)

  • Attending University of Missouri (2022-present)

  • Previous coaching experience with ages 10-15